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    Still Life 結果共10筆

  • Taiwanese conscripts worry about salary gap despite raise

    Taiwanese conscripts have expressed concerns that their monthly earnings still fall short of the country’s basic labor wage despite a recent salary increase. Privates, the lowest military rank, now receive a monthly salary of NT$26,307, including insurance and meal expenses. However, this amount is still lower than the standard basic labor wage of NT$27,470. Last year, President Tsai Ing-wen extended the mandatory conscription period to one year, and the wage adjustment for privates gained significant attention. Under the new system, privates can earn up to NT$20,320, consisting of a base wage of NT$10,130 and an additional NT$10,190 for specialized skills. In addition to their salary, they also receive military insurance (NT$1,240), national health insurance (NT$1,839), and a meal allowance (NT$908), bringing the total payment to NT$26,307. The first batch of 670 army conscripts for the one-year service started their eight-week entry training on January 25. Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an encouraged the privates to form sincere friendships, develop disciplined habits, and cultivate a sense of responsibility during their military life.
    2024/01/25 15:11
  • New guidelines boost competency, not less virtue: MOE

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan has clarified that the new Curriculum Guidelines have not abandoned traditional virtues, but rather aim to encourage students to contemplate and practice these values in everyday life. The guidelines emphasize competency-based learning and include selections of classical Chinese texts from different eras, authors, and genres. The Ministry responded to criticism by stating that traditional virtues such as righteousness and integrity have not been discarded. They also highlighted that Taiwanese students possess strong competencies, which can be attributed to the new competency-driven curriculum. The curriculum for Mandarin Chinese is designed to develop students’ ability to articulate and rationalize thought, with materials reflecting various historical periods, ideologies, literary genres, Taiwanese modern literature, world Chinese literature, translations, and literary discourse. Classical Chinese texts still constitute an average of 35% to 45% of high school students’ studies over three years, reflecting diverse epochs, authors, and genres. The focus of Taiwanese education should be on developing critical thinking skills and enabling students to learn independently and build cultural depth.
    2023/12/08 17:40
  • Tainan court sentences Lin Hsin-wu to double death penalty

    The Tainan District Court has sentenced Lin Hsin-wu to death twice and deprived him of his civil rights for life for the murder of two police officers in 2022. Lin brutally killed Tainan City Police Bureau officers Tu Ming-cheng and Tsao Jui-chieh, using a spring knife and firearms while pursuing a suspected car thief. Despite defense arguments about Lin’s impaired behavioral control due to severe alcohol use disorder, the court dismissed them. Taiwan still practices capital punishment, and the issue of its abolition has become a focus of public debate. Currently, there are 38 inmates on death row in Taiwan awaiting execution.
    2023/11/24 17:29
  • BIGBANG走光光?GD與YG娛樂合約到期 公司親曝「協商計畫」

    韓國天團BIGBANG去(2022)年發行了數位單曲〈Still Life〉,沒想到後續成員T.O.P、大聲的合約都陸續到期,就在大家還在期待隊長GD何時會推出個人作品的同時,網友竟發現GD的名字竟曾所屬經紀公司YG娛樂官網上悄悄消失,今(6)日更傳出GD跟YG娛樂的合約已經到期。
    2023/06/06 11:22
  • BIGBANG太陽不續約!換新公司不解散:會一起努力

    韓國天團BIGBANG於4月推出新曲〈Still Life〉,不過並沒有出席任何音樂節目或活動打歌,此後就再也無團體活動的消息,今(26)日成員太陽今宣布不再與20年的老東家YG娛樂續約,將與YG御用製作人Teddy繼續合作,轉至他所成立的嘻哈音樂品牌The Black Label,不過他強調自己「依舊是BIGBANG成員」。
    2022/12/26 17:22
  • 首位飛向太空的「韓國愛豆」 T.O.P將隨日富豪登陸月球

    韓國天團BIGBANG的成員T.O.P於今年2月離開YG娛樂,目前以個人活動為主,已經鮮少在螢光幕前露面,但今年初BIGBANG所發行的歌曲〈Still Life〉仍收獲高人氣。T.O.P繼4月推出自己的紅酒品牌「T‘SPOT」後,日前又有新動向。經韓媒報導指出,他將參與日本富豪的太空旅行計畫,為期6天的旅行費用全部由富豪負擔,成為首位飛進外太空的韓國藝人。
    2022/12/09 05:00
  • BIGBANG太陽刪光IG!大頭照「改全黑」 粉絲驚問:怎麼了

    南韓天團BIGBANG在今年4月以「4人小組」推出新歌《Still Life》,不但在短短1天內橫掃各大音源平台,更被視為是自前成員勝利涉及性買賣醜聞後,象徵「東山再起」的經典之作。不過公認是團中「唯一清流」的太陽,卻在昨(26)日無預警刪光所有IG貼文,就連大頭貼也改成全黑,引發大批歌迷擔憂。
    2022/10/27 22:50
  • GD現身摩納哥香奈兒秀 帥照「胸骨超清晰」網嚇:排骨精

    南韓天團「BIGBANG」隊長權志龍G-DRAGON(GD),因為有著精湛的歌藝和舞技,以及帥氣樣貌,圈粉無數。先前「BIGBANG」睽違4年才推出新歌《Still Life》橫掃各大音源,GD也慢慢回歸展開活動,近期受邀到摩納哥參加香奈兒大秀,曝光多張帥照,但引起關注的反而是他越來越瘦的身材,胸骨、鎖骨清晰可見。
    2022/05/08 18:51
  • 【今晚熱搜】BIGBANG/高雄確診/快篩試劑/黃明志

    今(5日)晚台灣新聞熱門搜尋話題為「BIGBANG」。南韓天團BIGBANG時隔4年終於回歸,昨(4)日半夜發布新單曲〈Still Life〉(봄여름가을겨울,春夏秋冬),不僅占據國內音源榜第一名,YouTube點擊次數更在短短一天內突破千萬。而眾多粉絲聽完後也忍不住感慨直呼,「好像引退曲」。以下為討論最高的5則新聞。
    2022/04/05 21:15
  • BIGBANG新歌「破千萬點擊」!鐵粉淚崩:像在告別

    南韓天團BIGBANG時隔4年終於回歸,昨(4)日半夜發布新單曲〈Still Life〉(봄여름가을겨울,春夏秋冬),不僅占據國內音源榜第一名,YouTube點擊次數更在短短一天內突破千萬。而眾多粉絲聽完後也忍不住感慨直呼,「好像引退曲」。
    2022/04/05 16:11
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